Our library

“Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve and contribute to improving our quality of life”
Sidney Sheldon(American writer and producer)
library objectives
- To inculcate reading habit among students.
- To motivate the students to refer library resources.
- To support students to prepare for competitive examination.
- To keep them abreast of the current events by reading books, journals, magazines & Newspaper, and bring awareness about the available resources in the library.
- To enhance the writing skills in various aspects like essay writing and review writing.
- To update the faculty member in their respective subjects.
Library Services
- Reading room facility
- Circulation of Books
- Reference Service
- Inter-Library Loan
- Current Awareness Services
- Library Orientation Programme
- Access to Syllabus & Question Papers
- Newspapers
- Display of must read books
- Thematic Exhibition of Library books on various Occassion
- Competitive exams related collection of books and periodicals
Library Guidelines
- All students are eligible to become members of the
- Each student will be issued two library cards. A student can borrow two books at a time on these cards.
- Students are advised to return their books on/or before the due date mentioned in the date slip. If a student fails to return the books on the due date he/she will be given one day grace time. For any delay beyond which overdue charges will be levied at the rate of Rs.1/- per day. Their absence from the College would not be treated as an excuse for the delay in returning the .
- The Librarian has the right to call back any book lent to the students, at any time before the due date of return.
- If the Library card is lost, students are advised to inform the Librarian immediately without
- Students who misplace their library card forfeit their right to borrow a book for a period of one month and a penalty amount of Rs.50/- would be charged for the subsequent procurement of library
- Students are asked to return the book personally to the Librarian. Under no circumstance should the card be transferred to another
- Students are entitled to renew the books for an additional week, if others do not demand the Not more than one such renewal will be allowed. At the time of each renewal the books should be produced before the Librarian.
- Underlining annotations, marking or cutting paper from the book is forbidden. Every book will be examined page wise on the same day and if misused, the matter will be reported to the Principal for disciplinary
- Students are expected to use the book carefully, and handle it with care. If the book is lost or damaged the students are held responsible for it and shall replace the book or pay double the cost of the book.
- The list of students, who submit their books late, shall be submitted to the Principal and the same will be displayed on the notice board.
- Students are not permitted to bring their personal belongings inside the
- Dictionaries and Reference Books will not be issued on
- Strict silence should be maintained in the library. Students who damage the library books or misbehave in the library will be notified to the Principal by the Librarian.
- The Librarian has every authority to refuse to lend the books if a student violates the library
Best Library User Awards
To promote maximum and proper utilization of library facilities and services, the college Library gives away Best Library User Award to the students every year who make maximum use of library resources and facilities.
Academic Year | Name of the Awardees | Section |
2018-19 | Ms. Vidya Patil | Junior |
Mst. Gaurav Engineer | ||
Ms. Anisha Sawant | Senior | |
Mr. Mayur Vaity | ||
2019-2020 | Ms. Anushaka Wanerkar | Junior |
Ms. Dhanshri Patil | ||
Ms. Shweta Gupta | Senior | |
Mr. Manish Humane |
2020-21 | COVID-19 | – |
2021-22 | Ms. Purva Bhoir | Junior |
Ms. Radhika Paradkar | Senior | |
2022-23 | Mst. Affan Shah | Junior |
Mr. Abhay Mishra | Senior |
Library Collection
Sr.No. | Documents | Total |
1 | BOOKS | Sr. College : 2615 |
| Jr. College : 2244 | |
4 | NEWSPAPERS | 05 |
5 | CDS/DVDS | 08 |
6 | MAPS | 06 |
Best Practices followed by the library
- An Orientation Program is arranged for the fresher’s to introduce them with the library collection, activities and services.
- Attendance of the students and teachers in library is recorded everyday and entry register with sign is mentioned.
- Open Access Facility is provided in the
- Display of new arrivals is done
- Inter-library loan facility to students and staff is provided.
- Readers are provided advisory services about the references for competitive
- Occasional Book Display/Exhibitions are held on regular basis.
- Library is under CCTV
- ‘Best Library User Award’ is given every year to encourage efficient use of library
Grievance Redressal of the Readers
- Speak to Librarian/Chairman of LAC: Students can raise problems related to the library, its staff and its The librarian/Chairman of LAC will try to resolve them in his capacity or forward them to the Principal of the college.
- Suggestion Box: A suggestion box is kept at the entrance of the library seeking valuable suggestions and recommendations from the The suggestions made by them are taken up and discussed in the library committee meeting and they are implemented accordingly.
- Library Advisory Committee: The Library Committee plays a vital role in enhancing and developing the library services, making suitable policies that will help the library to render its best. The committee holds two meetings every year. If required more meetings are also held.
Generally, the first meeting is held in the month of July, in which the Library Budget, allotment of funds to all the departments, other issues related to the library and its services are taken up with the permission of the chairperson of the library committee for discussion. The second meeting is held in January or the in first week of February in which the resolutions passed in the previous meeting are followed up and reviewed. Other issues prevailing at the time are also taken up.
Members of Library Advisory Committee
Sr.No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr.Mrs. Sheetal Koradkar | I/C Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Mrs. Stevina D’cunha | Librarian | Convenor |
3 | Ms. Farheen Khan | Assistant Professor | Member |
4 | Ms. Anjali Tiwari | Student | Member |
5 | Mr. Mayank Barnwal | Student | Member |
6 | Mr. Alok Jha | Student | Member |