DLLE - Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension 2021-22
Extension work training program for extension work teacher and student manager was held on the 10th January 2022 at 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. This program was inaugurated by Sudhir Puranik sir who is registered of University of Mumbai and Ex Director of DLLE Dilip Patil sir also attended the program as a keynote. Various speakers express their thoughts in the list of speaker in involved Dr. Akanksha Gawade, Dr. Sudha Raorane, Dr. Jayashri Thakre, Dr. Seema Agrawal, Mrs. Vani Aacharya and Ms. Vrushali. This speaker express their thoughts very nicely in their speech. Basically they express their views and ideas that how to manage extension work activities. Which involves specially project report and student manager work. In Project Report Point they explained that each and every topic of project and how to done activity from the students were explained wisely. All these things explain very nicely and very deeply.
Poster making activity at intra college level activity held on 19th March 2022 at 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. In that total 34 students are participated. They made a group of 3 to 4 students for prepare a poster. Basically the posters are based on various social issues like women empowerment, environmental issues like pollution, populations etc. Students used their own ideas and Complete the activity with full enjoyment
Debate activity at intra College level done on 12th April 2022 at 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon. In that activity total 54 students are participated. The debate were made on the topic of general thoughts and social issues which involve the topic like “what is better?online education or offline education” and another topic is “women empowerment” There will be no language barriers to students to express their thoughts. So that most of the students without any fear express their thoughts and build the stage confidence among the students. Students enjoyed this activity.
First term and second term training program was held on 12th April 2022 at 3:00 p.m. Our field coordinator Dr. Deepa Verma madam had taken the meeting regarding first and second term training program. Basically in the meeting madam talked about that how to prepare online project report in that she talked on all the subjects and specially on a career project topic. Our student basically prepare a project on career project topic. At the end of the meeting Dr. Deepa madam suggested that our college must be prepare a booklet on various careers projects which will very helpful to our college and society.